Who we are
When you visit our dental office, your smile is our top priority. Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with the personalized, quality dental care that you deserve.

Meet The Doctor
Amanda Maize, DMD
My name is Amanda Maize, and I am honored to introduce myself to you and the practice. As you are now aware, I will be following in Dr. Jack’s footsteps as he transitions to another path in his professional career. I am beyond blessed to have met Dr. Jack a few years ago and humbled to be able to continue his legacy by treating his patients moving forward.
I originally hail from southeastern Wisconsin (Go Pack!), growing up in a farming community about an hour west of Milwaukee. After high school, I made my way south to attend Purdue University. My undergraduate degree was in Neurobiology & Physiology. I also obtained my Masters degree in Biology from Purdue before attending dental school. Valuing a small, hands-on school, I practiced for a short while in North Carolina until my husband and I decided to finally move back to the Midwest. We have been living/working in the Northern Indianapolis Carmel area ever since. My husband works in corporate finance ( I will joke that I have no idea what he does!) and loves his job here in Indy. We welcomed our daughter Lilian last fall and are so proud to be her parents. She is a sweet little girl who loves to socialize, eat and absolutely detests brushing her teeth (ha, ironic!). Nick and I are proud to have made this area our home personally and professionally.
Growing up in the country in Wisconsin taught me a lot about life and people. My dad is a self-employed business owner who has an outstanding professional legacy in our area building barns for those in the immediate area and beyond. His work ethic, loyalty to his customers/friends and dedication to his family are the foothold in everything that I do. My mother is a recently retired nurse. She has worked at the V.A. for her entire career, never ceasing her commitment to her veterans. I admire her service to our country’s best over the years and hope to have a profound impact on my patients in the years to come. My parents are the reason I am here and the calling I have to serve others stems from them. I share this act of service with you all as we get to know each other.
Dentistry is such a rewarding profession because my staff and I get to treat/prevent disease, relieve pain, educate on oral health, maintain smiles and improve self-esteem. The absolutely most rewarding part of my job is getting to meet new people each day. Don’t get me wrong, I love working with my hands, but I find the relationships I get to be involved with professionally is the best part of my work day. As I get to know you and your families, I will cherish that bond just as Dr. Jack has over the years. Thank you for welcoming me to the practice, I am excited to meet each and every one of you!